Welcome - This site has been updated
The Menu Bar on the left can expand to the following:
Jane - About Jane, her family, recipes and basic Chinese.
Bill - About Bill, his recipes, submarine site & son John
Mama - Link to Mama's Website (contains trips with Jane)
2001 - Wedding & Parties
2002 - Cancun, China, Chicago, Rome, Venice, Paris & Florida
2003 - Jamaica, Alaska, China, New London, New York & Visitors
2004 - New Orleans, China, St Louis, Vancouver, Arkansas,

Niagara Falls, Chicago & Visitors
2005 - Washington, Phoenix, Tunica, US Citizen, Family Reunions,

Vikings Training, Wedding & Class Reunion
2006 - Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Maryland, CaDan Party, Eagan,

Syracuse, Kansas City, St Cloud, Tianjin, Beijing, Tokyo
2007 - Winter in Eagan, CaDan Party, Grampa Thomas Party,

Lafayette Reunion Charleston, Cruise to Aruba, Columbia,

Panama Canal, Costa Rica & Jamica.
2008 - Atlanta, Tampa, Bloomfield, Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou,

Xi'an, Tianjin, MN Scottish Fair, Maryland, St Cloud, Phoenix,
2009 - Orlando, Tianjin, Dalian, Ruth's Visit, Villa Grove, Bloomfield,

Yellowstone, Fishing, Seattle, Mama's Birthday, Hainan &
2010 - Dave & Susie Anniversary, New Home, Gulf Cruise, Aunt Uncle

Visit, Atlanta, Class Reunion, Mama Birthday, Australia &

New Zealand and Christmas.
2011 - Charleston, Alicia, Savannah, China March, Eagan, China June,

Bill Song's Wedding, South Africa & Panama City Beach.
2012 - Jacksonville, Bahamas, China, Visitors & House Plants.
2013 - Visitors, Sarasota, Minnesota, Brussels, Amsterdam, Fawns,
Family Reunion and Rental House.
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