John William Fraser

When John was born he received a Kabuto or Shogun helmet 
of Samurai Japan on a small silk pillow from Mr Imai the 
Managing Director of SSE.  Japanese custom is to give a gift 
that is a symbol of what you wish for the baby.  If the gift is 
from someone who already has this quality, then it is a more 
powerful wish.  Since Mr Imai was a very high manager and 
his gift represents leadership, John is destined to become a 
high-ranking leader.

                                    John attended Ramalynn Montessori in Apple Valley for
                                    Preschool and Kindergarten. His studies included French
                                    and Violin.  John won the Pumpkin carving contest two
                                    years in a row with a California Raisin and a Shark.  At the
                                    graduation ceremony from Kindergarten each child said
                                    what they wanted to be when they grew up.  There were
                                    Doctors, Policemen, Nurses, Astronauts and then John who
                                    said, “I’m going to be a Leader”.

In Little League baseball with Dad coaching 3rd base, John hit 
a line drive between the outfielders and the 1st base coach sent 
him to second.  As John approached second he looked at the 
3rd base coach and saw his Dad do the big high-speed windmill 
that means to keep on running.  As John approached third Dad 
was still doing the big high-speed windmill, so John keep going 
for home.  Dad will never forget the expression on John’s face 
after he crossed home with his 1st ever Home Run.

                                    During his years in elementary school John was active 
                                    in Cub Scouts and made it to the highest level of 
                                    Webelos.  He was selected to play the Tenor Saxophone 
                                    by the music teacher because he was the only one in 
                                    his class that was strong enough to lift it and his arms
                                    were long enough to play the big saxophone.  Earlier 
                                    John had taken Violin and Piano lessons.  

Since preschool John has always felt comfortable with 
computers.  At age 4 he was able to power on the old PC and 
use a menu system to go in and out of several games and 
then power off the PC when he was done.  At age 14 he got a 
summer job at AM Miller & Associates where his Dad worked.  
The other kids were assigned to the filing cabinets, but after 
they discovered that John was good on the computer they 
assigned him to the Accounting department where he setup 
mail merge documents and also designed spreadsheets with 
formulas that automatically calculated.

                                     At age 16 John started working at Dairy Queen and
                                     quickly became one of their best and most reliable
                                     employees.  One day two years after an incident happened
                                     John finally told his Dad about the time when he was the
                                     Assistant Manager and they had to fire an employee. 
                                     John said that while he was escorting the guy to the back
                                     door, the guy pulled a knife on him.  Then John said that
                                     ​he almost broke the guy’s arm taking the knife away from
                                     him, and then he pushed him out the door, dragged him
                                     across a short lawn and tossed him down the bank into a
                                     small pond.
Check out John's Art